Home Staging

What is Home Staging?

It’s the Science of selling your home quickly and getting the desired price.  So if you want to really achieve a good price for your property you should consider home staging it with us.

Most people form an opinion within 10 seconds of entering a property……first impressions definitely do count!  We’ve all gone into a showhouse and thought – wow, I’d love to live here! But have you gone into a home with nothing in it and tried to imagine what you can do with it? It’s often a struggle for a potential buyer.

Staging a home involves an honest examination and re-imagining of the space so it feels perfectly suited to the potential buyer.

In short, the potential buyer needs to imagine themselves living there. You want viewers to feel as if they could move in the next day.

We will come in and furnish it, style it and dress it using the most beautiful pieces of furniture, rugs, artwork and accessories.

Houses that are cluttered and tired looking take longer to sell and also can fail to reach their potential best selling price. Also, if there is another house on the street for sale yours needs to look better! To use a US euphemism, “Its gotta have Curbside Appeal”.

So if you want to stand out from the crowd and maximise your home’s potential purchase price talk to us! 

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